adultano Since the last update [...]
Which update? Of the P44-DSB to (presumably) 2.6.4, or the more recent dSS update to 1.19.3?
There was no change in P44-DSB related to value reporting to dSS between previous version 2.6.1 and current 2.6.4.
What kind of sensor is it? Could it be dependent on the actual temperature value reaching some upper limit?
To analyze the problem in detail, it would be useful to catch log messages around the time when such a faulty temperature value is present, preferably in log level 6 (click the small "6" link in the "Log" tab).
You should then see the sensor updates and the pushes to the dSS in the log like this:
[2022-05-26 12:03:03.630 I] vdSD F7F3F5EEFA505F512345674987952C2000 (Test Sensor): sensor[1] temperature 'device temp': reports same value = 39.790 °C
[2022-05-26 12:03:03.632 I] vdSM <- vDC (pbuf): notification='pushNotification', params={ changedproperties:{ sensorStates:{ temperature:{ age:0.001260, error:0, value:39.710000 } } }, dSUID:F7F3F5EEFA505F512345674987952C2000 }
[2022-05-26 12:03:03.633 N] vdSD F7F3F5EEFA505F512345674987952C2000 (Test Sensor): sensor[1] temperature 'device temp': successfully pushed value = 39.710 °C
[2022-05-26 12:03:03.634 I] vdSD F7F3F5EEFA505F512345674987952C2000 (Test Sensor): handler executed: result = undefined [undefined] // no return value
of this, the second line in particular is interesting, this is what is actually sent to the dSS, in a more readable formatting it reads like:
changedproperties: {
sensorStates: {
temperature: {
age: 0.001260,
error: 0,
value: 39.710000
dSUID: F7F3F5EEFA505F512345674987952C2000
That's what the vdSM component in the dSS receives, and if these values are correct but the dSS readout is not, then it must be something in the vdSM or dSS itself.